It was quite cold this morning as we rolled out of the Bay Inn driveway, and we each were bundled against the chill. As the day would warm up we would each be peeling off layers.
Today we cycled the other direction of the trail and had more views of Lake Michigan and more diverse and interesting things to see and places to explore.
There was this "little" grave site |
There are three arches along the trail that are replicas of those that were there during the time that trail users were prohibited from bringing horses or horse drawn carriages onto the trail. In the 1880s this was a bikeway - before it was a rail. Bicycles were the recreational rage, and cheap transportation, for a couple of decades prior to 1900.
Vickie and Gerry at the first arch |
The high wheeler sculpture is of the "boneshaker" (also known as a high wheeler, and a penny farthing) and is in the middle of a park near Petoskey.
My boneshaker by the high wheel boneshaker |
As we continued on we passed Lime Kiln Pond which once cooked the limestone as the first step in processing. It was one of Petoskey's most important industries and lime was sent throughout the Great Lakes area for use in fertilizer, cement, and whatever else lime is used in. There is another pond which is now stocked with "pan fish" and is a place where parents teach their children to fish. And there was the marina with barely a boat.
Interesting to see a marina with almost no boats |
We left the local parks and wound our way, still on the trail, through the town of Bay View with many Victorian homes.
And then took a little side trip into Petoskey State Park for a look at the dunes and swimming beach.
We were sure not to bring our glass animals |
Further on we (well I tried and failed) took photos of a mural on the back side of the grocery store. It depicts the historical time line of transportation along this corridor, form canoe to train, to boneshaker, to modern day cyclists (that's us).
At the end of the trail we entered the quaint and upscale resort settlement of Harbor Springs on delightful Beach Drive and Bay Drive. It appears that many, and maybe all of these estate-like homes are summer residences for the wealthy set.
If the Chamber of Commerce guy had not told us, we would never have guessed that the liquor store has a deli that makes great sandwiches! We bought our lunch there and found a perfect picnic table overlooking the bay. After lunch we explored the outskirts of town before heading back home.
Now this is an ivy covered cottage |
I have never seen a zipper door. |
We have evidence of Fall color.
I have had quite a few (positive) comments about my knee socks -- including a driveby teen hanging out the car window
We had such a full and long day that we decided to spend another night at the Bay Inn. The next day (today actually) will be mostly a driving day, so we have a semi-rest day.
Now a moment for my usual rant! Of all the cyclists we have seen, on and off the trail, there were very few (maybe 15%?) who were wearing helmets. I know too much about head injuries to think that not wearing a helmet is ok. I know there is some controversy about that fact, but until proven differently -- please all my loved ones -- wear a helmet when cycling.