Thursday 9/26/13 -- Part 2
I am on the road again -- for a bicyle tour of Bryce-Zion with Road Scholar. We meet on Saturday, and I drove down so will be here a couple of days before we gather; I will acclimate a little to the higher elevation.
As I was checking out of the motel this morning I asked the motel staff person if she knows the weather in Cedar City -- my destination. She said no, but it is warmer. It's warmer? Good news.
While I filled up with gas yesterday in what I considered icy cold, I was mentally listing the layering gear I packed for riding. With the afterthoughts and last minute throw-in of heavy gloves and shoe covers, I thought I would be OK for the cold -- but would it be comfortable riding in icy cold weather? So this was good news to find we were at a higher elevation in Twin Falls, Idaho so it is colder than where I am headed.
in Utah |
sky is lightening up |
I'm a water baby, so oceans and other large bodies of water draw me in, but majestic mountains also have their pull. These are not very good photos, but I was driving. I know, I know, not a good idea to take photos while driving. But really, I didn't look through the camera -- just pressed the button and hoped for the best.
Let me rant a bit about some of the driving in Utah.
Starting with Washington. Speed limit on Intersate in WA is 70. Enter Oregon and it drops to 65. Enter Idaho and it increases to 75. 75! Seems oh so fast until you drive a few miles then it is quite a comfortable cruise. Enter Oregon and it is 80. 80! Seems like a speed that would draw a speeding ticket.
So now we are in Utah with speed limit of 80 and signs along the way warning of "Game Crossing". Game crossing. If there is any game crossing my 80 mph path, unless they are very swift, I am a goner. I keep my eyes peeled and wide open, but we all know how these game appear out of nowhere.
Once we hit Ogden, the posted limit is 65. Seems reasonable as we pass through cities. I must only assume that this is a "suggestion" as the traffic speeds along way above 65. I try to stay within my comfortable overspeed of 67, and traffic behind me about climbs over me, drivers that pass me (all of them pass me) give me the evil eye as they convey that I am holdng up traffic!
OK then, I will go with the flow of traffic and follow the lead of the Utahans even though 72 seems a bit high in a 65 speed zone. But there is no consistency as I go from 61 to 74 (in a 65 zone) trying to avoid being run over by the approaching speeders at my rear, or crunched by those passing on the left AND right who seem to change lanes on a whim. With five lanes I decide the middle lane should be safe as the far right has traffic constantly entering the on ramp, and the one directly to my right has a stream of huge trucks.
This goes on for many miles through Ogden and Salt Lake City. I cannot wait to get out of these cities! As we hit the outskirts, with open road ahead I finally am behind a car with Washington plates who is doing the 67 mph that is so reasonable! To say nothing of legal. I follow him for a while. Gradually I think we are going too slow and I pass to keep pace with the Utahans!
I survived the "games" -- wild animals as well as wild humans -- and have safely arrived at my destination of Cedar City. Tomorrow I will wander the streets and explore the area, but will also relax a bit as I am feeling just a little road weary.
I promise less wordiness and more photos from here on now that I am not behind a steering wheel.