Thursday, July 21, 2011

Return to Nice (Thursday 7/21/11)

Fortuitous that we had planned to return this morning as we learned that a train strike would begin at 6:00 p.m. this date through Friday! We bought our tickets upon our return to town from our hike, and our train leaves at 10:55 a.m. Phew, we came thisclose to needing to ask you all for money for an extended stay in Cinque Terre!

After our delightful breakfast in the "Lemon Garden", provided by our hotel, we had time to look around town one more time.

And I had time to try (and fail) uploading those photos

And then the three trains that would bring us back to Nice.

As we hiked in the "wilderness" yesterday, Susan started listing the ten essentials she had not brought. Those of you who know the penchant of preparedness that Susan possesses, will know the dilemma she felt we may end up in. Never mind that this trail is well used by many hikers. Except for fire starter, which we thought may be more a hazard than a help in the hot climate amongst dry foot trails and leaves, we thought we could improvise nine of those ten essentials. That would mean using our lip gloss to coat our body for sunblock, but oh well.

Now seasoned travelers, our train trip back to Nice was uneventful, proving that there is more adventure and chance meetings with interesting people when you don't know what you are doing! No interpreter angel for help communicating, no young math student for guidance, and no young Romanian couple to entertain us.

Another photo at the padlocks.

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