Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Coming Home

It is so nice to have the St. Martin's campus close by as it offered more pleasant time for my early morning walk again this morning. I wandered through a few different paths and areas and came to the Church/Abbey where the (I assume) priests were going to early morning Mass.


A little further on I found more boatS. The old one was named "Murphy's" and the newer one was "Murphy 2". Perhaps they raced these in some year.


We had a leisurely morning before packing up to head home in glorious sunny, seventy degree weather! Summer has arrived -- at least for today. Riding along the trail was a delight.

This lake will some day be only a bog we think.

Even found an elephant along the way.

Needed a snack break so we pulled up a piece of pavement and enjoyed a rest as well.

This rail trail connected several communities by train back on the day. The day was so gorgeous and we had time, so we took a detour ride to Tenino for lunch.

Four cycling gentlemen were stopped at a crossing with us and suggested Scotty Bs for lunch -- actually they insisted we go there. So we did. A fifties themed restaurant where the food was ok, and Scotty seemed to do all the work -- waiter, bus boy, cashier and owner, and was very friendly.

There is a big quarry in Tenino where they once cut stone and shipped it by train to Olympia for building. In front of City Hall there is a statue commemorating the Stone Cutters.


At first look, we thought these were real deer. Not. They are one dimensional metal sculptures.

This was our longest mileage day and we were ready to be done by the end of it. Our frozen coffee drinks and ice cream (for me) were well deserved treats.

Our tour was short in miles but long and full in fun and adventure. Now I must pack for the next adventure which will include Susan. Come back in a couple of days and see what is happening.


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