Monday, June 10, 2013

A Rainy Day at Chippewa Pines

Monday, 6/10/2013

We needed a rainy day to catch up with things (blogging), grocery shop, check in with the bike shop, and relax!

Espresso Milano is Vickie's favorite coffee joint in Midland and she spends time her doing computer stuff and drinking fine java. We spent hours here this morning so that I could finally catch up on the last three days of our adventuring, and Vickie could do her computering as well. Gerry was most patient with us!

You who followed last year's trip will remember Len's cats:

Here's Snoopy who often does not leave Len for long


True to her name, Princess poses regally


Untrue to his name, Tiger keeps a screen between himself and any strange humanoids

Now, back to reading --- and more relaxing.


  1. Glad I could get all caught up on your adventure. Love seeing how it is all going and especially enjoy you including the cats! See you in a few days.

  2. Thanks Sarah. I knew you would enjoy the cats. We are have a grand time and doing a lot. I am ready to come home however. Se you tomorrow evening. Love you and hope Lucy has survived her terrible fall!!
