Monday, August 13, 2012

Virginia and North Carolina - August 2012

Friday, August 10. Buses, trains, planes and automobiles...

Susan and I figured out the bus schedule that, with one transfer, would get us to downtown. From there we found our way to the bus tunnel to get the Link train to SeaTac Airport. It all went without a hitch and we were quite proud of ourselves. I was actually more proud of Susan because she packed lighter than I!! That in itself is quite a feat for her!

Plane to Charlotte, NC was on time and the flight was ok until the BUMPS that tossed us about up and down and side to side! We were very near to Charlotte and happy to be getting off. Once in Charlotte we learned that due to stormy weather conditions, our (one hour) flight to Lynchburg (on a very tiny plane) was delayed by more than an hour. That gave us more than two hours in the airport and meant and Aunt Carol and Uncle Bill would be having a very late night picking us up at midnight!

Saturday, August 11. In Lynchburg

Right off the bat we had a full and interesting day with Carol and Bill. They had a bike ride planned for us after a breakfast at the Saturday Market. But first we would go to pick up bikes their friend was lending to them. Jane is away for a few weeks, and also said we could use her car to transport the bikes and ourselves. Plus she said to please use her "other home" in the mountains if we would like! There are absolutely no words that describe her exquisite home, and I could not take photos good enough to show it. But it is the most beautiful, large, exquisite house I have ever been in.

This sculpture is in the front yard.

This is the main entryway.

After a tour of the house we "stole off" with the car and bikes and headed for breakfast. And a bike ride on the James River Trail. We connected with the Blackwater Creek Trail.

Bill does a lot of cycling with his siblings and extended family and every year they take a cycling vacation. One of his brothers, Jim, died recently and his ashes are spread along the Blackwater Trail that he loved so much. In addition there are a couple of memorial plaques dedicated to him.
We rode through a tunnel on the trail, which unlike some at home, was well lighted for our passage through it.
What a great day -- so far!

Home to shower and think about dinner! We didn't have to think for long -- got Thai take-out from a delightful little Thai place that Carol and Bill frequent, and headed for Jane's little cabin in the woods...


We sat on the deck overlooking the golf course and wondered what all the working people were doing, and feeling so decadent -- as well as grateful for the generosity of Carol and Bill's friend Jane. Thank you Jane.


That ended our first full day and we loved it all.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful trip and how nice to have that memorial plaque for Bill's brother there.
