Thursday, August 16, 2012

Virginia Creeper Trail

Wednesday, August 15

On the way to Sally's we did a little side trip that Bill and Carol had arranged. They had called to reserve bikes and coordinate the shuttle that would take us to the top of the hill so we could ride *down* the Virginia Creeper Trail for 17 miles. Sally had driven there from her home and was there to meet us, and we had niece Jessica in tow.

It was a little drizzly, but we ended up not needing the ponchos we bought at the last minute. The shuttle driver talked with us the entire drive and was very helpful and thoughtful of us.

We did the finishing touches on our assigned ride and lined up for a group photo.

At about the 20 yard mark we hit soft sand and both Carol and I ended up swashling off the trail and onto the grass, then Carol took a tumble as she was unwinding herself from the bike. Everyone else turned around and returned to see what had happened and to ensure we were OK.

And finally we were cruising down the unpaved Creeper Trail.

We had been told by Sally to be cautious and alert on the bridges because snakes often sun themselves on the warm wooden surface. We didn't have too much to worry about on this wet and cool day, but we were cautious just the same.

The volunteers (who are from Gig Harbor, a neighboring town of Seattle) at Green Grove Station Visitor Center told us to look down from bridge number 33 where sightings of snakes had been reported. Jessica and I wondered why everyone wanted to stop and look, but we obliged. We all searched over the railing, but alas, saw no snake. YES!

What a fantastic ride we had ---- all down hill! The driver told us that 98% (how does he know?) of those who ride the Creeper do it the way we were doing it. The whole trail is longer, but this is apparently the nicest part. The forested trail meanders along a river (didn't get the name) that can be seen for much of the distance, and who can pass up down hill?

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