Friday, March 1, 2013

The behinder we are getting...

Evening of 2/28/13

As we passed though Olympia, WA there was still evidence of rain...

Still raining in Olympia


We seemed to be making up a bit of the time we had lost from our delayed Seattle departure. The normal half hour stop in Portland was shortened which allowed me to get in only five quick walking minutes. Then another shortened stop in Eugene -- the hippy-ville of Oregon -- for another quick five minute walk.

Inside the small Eugene depot
Let not a store front be unadorned
More of Eugene storefront art

Our gain has been eaten up as we have stopped for what seems like a very long time due to "switching problems". I am not totally sure of what that means, but I do know that when a passenger train gets behind in the schedule, it must give right of way to freight trains that are using the tracks. Freight trains always have the right of way. Interestingly the passengers simply take these delays in stride. One must not be in any hurry if one travels by train ;'-).

My trip involves a connecter train from L.A. to San Diego. That connecter is scheduled to leave about an hour after this train arrives. Last year we arrived late due to an accident on the tracks (remember that delay?) so we were too late for the connecter train. Amtrak got their buses running to transport us to SD. So at least I know they will get us there one way or another, even if late.



  1. Oh you experienced the train delay in Seattle -it seems to happen quite a bit during the rainy season and then yesterday one train was stopped due to a man hanging out of a tree over the tracks!!!
    Eugene seems to be a neat little area from your photos but your time in that tiny car, gosh I would be on the bottom bunch for sure!

    1. Somehow the delay time was made up and we arrived in LA even a few minutes early! Eugene is indeed an interesting town -- the hippy way of life seems to continue to prevail! Fun.
