Monday, March 11, 2013

Train Insides

Monday 3/11/13

I am on the last leg and will arrive in Seattle this evening. Lynne was interested in seeing more of the inside of the train, so I thought others might be as well. These are small areas and difficult to get good photos, but I thought I would try.

As soon as you board you can put your (unchecked) luggage in on these shelves (or take it to your room if you prefer). Each car has its luggage rack.


Luggage rack

Immediately behind me from the luggage rack are the stairs to take me to my cabin.

Stairway to roomettes

The long narrow walkway at the top of the stairs holds the rooms and bathroom -- and perpetual coffee (no tea water!), juices, ice water and fruit basket.


Hallway of rooms

Think airplane when you visualize the bathrooms.

Reflection of my arm in the mirror of small bathroom

Back down the stairs is the shower (and more bathrooms).

I am standing in the hallway to get a shot of the shower
Inside the shower itself
Across from the shower door is the mirror area

I have included photos of the dining car and Parlour Car in past posts, so will not repeat them here.

Our stop in San Luis Obispo allowed for a walk (the only one on this trip so far) so I took a photo of the sculpture of the Chinese men "workin' on the railroad".


This will about end my blogging for this trip. I am posting one last look at the ocean.

Last view of the California Coast

For those of you who have been keeping up with me -- thanks for joining me on my adventure.


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