Friday, July 19, 2013


Wednesday 7/17/2013

Grrrrrrrrrr -- I had finished this post and could not publish it. When I went back later it was gone! So this is a second attempt, and may be a shortened version as I have little time this morning, and -- I may not recall it all from two days ago ;'-)

We awoke to a bit of rain this morning and, being true Seattleites, we so enjoyed the cool refreshing feel it gave us. We have had very little rain on this vacation and apparently we have missed it. In addition, it gave us a reason excuse to be less active today. We did a driving tour of the area.

I don't know if our fire has had influence, but we were interested in touring the Smokejumpers Base.

Born here in Twisp in 1939

Luke is a rookie, has yet to make a jump and is waiting anxiously for his training to be over with so that he can become an active jumper. Susan thought he said there are 350 and I thought he said 700 jumpers in the nation. Either way, they are an elite group.

Luke gives us a demo of getting into the jump suits

There is a rigorous physical strength and agility test one must pass before being accepted into the crew. Then there is ongoing workouts and training. You can see by Luke how in shape one must be.

Suits, masks and gear are hung at the ready for jumpers to get into in about 30 seconds


Parachutes are hung to dry before being inspected and folded on the long tables. Here is a model of a dressed jumper ready for action.


Food, watr, tools and gear get dropped from the plane with four days worth of supplies


Inside the plane we see the set up and get a lesson on how it all happens from the air



Not equipped to jump -- in more ways than one


The wings are made from work gloves

After the great tour that Luke gave us, we drove on for a visit to the Fish Hatchery. Last year CFR (Casting for Recovery) held part of their camp lessons here. CFR is a fly fishing retreat and teaching camp for women recovering from breast cancer. Susan has attended for several years now, and last year became one of the instructors.

CFR campers are insured success in catching fish

The fly casting was taught on land in a different location and the fishers were brought here for the catching of fish. Always nice to be successful at a new endeavor.

By the end of our driving tour the rain had stopped but we remained in rain mode. We relaxed at the cabin, did some reading, napping and playing Rummi Kub on the porch. Another fine, and full day.


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